IRT3000Adria 41/2017
What's the best thing that could happen in 2018? Change in the mind of our politicians. We know that they will never become entrepreneurs, but at least a touch of entrepreneurship could impel them to reduce their taxes. Uvodnik 41.pdf
IRT3000Adria 40/2017
Real estate tax was the main political and economic issue in Croatia for a few months until the Government on September 14 postponed its introduction. Editorial.pdf
IRT3000Adria 39/2017
Who among Croatian entrepreneurs does not really fear the collapse of Agrokor? Those who are not dependent on him. These are primarily those who did not agree to the shocking payment terms and those who had the power to seek out the market outside Croatia. Editorial 39
IRT3000Adria 38/2017
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Martina Dalić is on a kind of tour of Croatia - she represents the Action Plan for Administrative Deployment of the Economy at county chambers. Uvodnik 38