IRT 3000



IRT3000Adria 53/2020

Have smart cars already become Croatia's "grandmother with cakes"? The editor-in-chief of Lider, Miodrag Šajatović, is an economic journalist who has the guts to say what no one dares, and it is in front of everyone's eyes and in mind. He has been doing that for decades. Sometimes he turns the saw upside down, as he recently did in the title of the article "Mate Rimac creates problems" in which he ironically comments that Rimac created problems when he presented the Prime Minister "Analysis and proposal for the development of the automotive industry in

IRT3000Adria 52/2020

The only right time is now How many times have you heard that these are not difficulties, but opportunities? Probably a million times. You have heard equally often that now is the best time to modernize, restructure, computerize, internetize, digitize, digitally reorganize, robotize… Is it, during the corona crisis, the right time for such a radical step? Let's try to weigh in. Editorial 52.pdf

IRT3000Adria 51/2020

Everything is the same as last year ... Or isn't it? Limes are blooming, but is everything exactly the same as last year? After the epidemiological measures, more or less everyone is looking around: what to grab in this boat that we all know is threatened by a tsunami? Everyone is waiting for autumn and the period in which the full devastating effect of the coronavirus crisis will be seen. Editorial 51.pdf

IRT3000Adria 50/2020

Not only has the coronavirus changed our daily lives, it will change the way we live in the future, and also the way we will work. It gave us an incentive to use the technologies we already possessed and the devices that already existed, but we regarded some of them expensive and unnecessary. Editorial 50.pdf

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